Monday, July 8, 2013

Big Boss Man


We have so little energy as it is, why are we fighting our own battles?

”In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. . . . When he taunted Israel, Jonathan son of Shimeah, David’s brother, killed him” (2 Samuel 21: 20-21)

I turned off my alarm and sat in bed for a minute. Dear Lord, I have no energy to get out of bed today. I am so overwhelmed by my health and finances, how am I going to make it through  another day? This was a regular prayer for me over several months as I battled (yet again) fatigue, migraine and neck pain.

I wasn’t able to eat much and yet I was expected to work, do the housework and entertain the kids.  Exhaustion was an understatement.

I knew I couldn’t conquer these battles on my own–yet I kept God on the shelf, unwilling to surrender my fears to Him. King David and his battle with the Philistines was such a good reminder for me. Who was it that gave David and his mighty men the strength to fight those giants?  God.

Who was it that helped David conquer the land? God. Those men relied on God so much that you don’t hear of them being fearful before battle at all. They knew their God was bigger than any of those giants and they ended up killing 5 including Goliath. Wow!

After reading that passage, I knew I needed to ask God’s forgiveness for relying on myself instead of Him. I finally had to give over my desires to God for Him to take care of.  This battle is not my own.  What giants are you facing right now? Take a minute today to pray and relinquish the Giants in your life to Him.

Is God fighting the battle for you or are you doing all the work?


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