Monday, February 25, 2013

Clean Up Your Own Backyard

Before I knew it was a hip, pinteresty thing to do, I loved refurbishing furniture, breathing new life into a piece of tattered, worn out rubbish.  With a glue gun, spray paint and some creativity, I’m pretty sure I could paint the town in a more flattering hue with polka dots and bling.  Now, I’m revisiting this form of therapy big time.  As I was revamping a piece in particular this week, I had to literally wash away the debris and unmentionables from previous owners (who apparently loved animals) before I could sand down to the original wood.  I was flabbergasted as it dawned on me; this is what I must look like to God.  He knows I’m not junk, even though sometimes I place myself in that pile.  As I washed and sanded, sprayed and primed, unable to rest until the final product was in sight, I heard God remind me that “He doesn’t make junk.”

Psalm 139:14 "I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."

I do know that God sees value in me and that He’s created me to be the way I am, for a reason–but just then, I hadn’t been seeing much reason or purpose in my life at all. It was one of those “God things” when God’s words came just at the right time and were a powerful wake-up call.
God doesn’t make junk–so I need to be living as if my life is not junk. There are problems I face, but I have also been incredibly blessed.  Life is what I make it; treasure or junk.  After I wallowed for a bit, I got up, dusted off my pride and I am figuring out how to overcome what I can and live with what is left.  Life may not return to what it once was but it is still most precious of all objects.  I don’t want mine to become debris.

Every day is still a battle as I decide what is most important. Lately, I forge through the pain, tired of living life on the couch.  I may pay for it the next day, but in the moment, it feels good just to live life.  Please join me in prayer as I am trying to make a huge decision.  I’d rather not disclose information yet as it’s just on the cusp and I haven’t fully grasped the fortitude of everything yet.  Right now, I just need wisdom to know what is best for my family and my health.  Thanks in advance!

1 comment:

  1. Praying! I totally see God every time I paint furniture. It really is a soul repairing, healing thing.
