Thursday, February 28, 2013

My Desert Serenade

Is He faithful to help me accomplish His wishes for my life, or am I trying to do what I wish?
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23
Some days are more difficult than others.  It’s easy to feel consumed by the physical, financial and family needs.  Yet I can testify that the verse above remains true.  He never fails me.  His compassions never end.  When I wake in the morning and the thought runs through my head-how am I going to face another day (without an iv of caffeine) He’s right there.  He’s the one giving me strength I need.  He is faithful.
Some days I wake up as tired as I was the night before when I went to bed and I think I can’t do this again.  I have to decide if my circumstances will choose my attitude.  He remains faithful as I can only depend on Him.  Some days that begin the hardest tend to be the most productive.  Let me clarify.  It’s not like it used to be, productive in that I have an HGTV decorated home, a Rachael Ray cooked dinner, a June Cleaver mommy mentality or even finish one errand on my list.   The truth is maybe I am productive in that I listened to someone who was hurting, spent the day in bed (without feeling guilty) or simply rested in prayer.
His promise remains true.  “Great is thy faithfulness.”  Even when I can only rely on Him to take care of everything and wonder how things are going to get done.  Some lessons are hard to learn but I am still his student and I am so thankful that His compassion never leaves and is new every morning. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Traci! My heart needed to hear this! When I spend a day contemplating my life, digging for verses... that is a day that is rested in prayer. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who is so weak that I keep having to take a day to gird myself up. Only, it's not me doing it, is it?

    I will meditate on that scripture today.
