Thursday, November 15, 2012

Just Pretend

We like to serve others from the power position. We’d rather be healthy, wealthy, and wise as we reach out to the sick, poor, and ignorant. But people see and hear the gospel best when it comes through those who have known difficulty. Paul says, “To the weak I became weak, to win the weak”. Suffering creates a sphere of influence for Christ that we couldn’t otherwise have."  Randy Alcorn

Looking back, I don’t know what I was thinking.  I overestimated my supermom, super-wife status and I ended up overdoing it, repeatedly.  My friends and family would see what I am going through and ask if they can help, or bring dinner, or do anything at all and my initial reaction and response was to thank them, but politely refuse.  Usually, if a person asks if they can help, they sincerely want to.  Why is it so hard for this recovering perfectionist to accept help? 
I realized it’s a heart issue.  My pride was getting in the way. Pride and fear can be very dangerous.  It was keeping me from getting what God was trying to hand me on a silver platter!  Fear was telling me that people would look at me differently just because I needed help.  It isolated me as I hid from others the struggle I was going through.  It made me live a life in need.  I shouldn’t have isolated myself from others because God could’ve been using others to help me.   How selfish and uncaring for me to deny those closest to me the opportunity to exhibit acts of ultimate friendship and personal satisfaction. 
Before his downfall a man’s heart is proud, but humility comes before honor. Proverbs 18:12
 My patented response was always, “I’m fine. I have everything under control.”Translated, what I was really saying is, “I’m too proud to tell you, and I’m too proud to ask.”
I wish I could go back and just tell myself it is okay to say yes.  It’s okay to admit you’re not okay.  I was afraid my need would become neediness.  I was afraid I’d become a nuisance.  I didn’t want to appear less than capable.  Now I realize I am going to need a lot of help in this battle, so I have to learn to start accepting help. Even superheroes have sidekicks! I don’t want to rob others of the blessing they receive in helping me.  I am already finding lots of ways to pay it forward, and when I do, I can’t wait for it the blessing to be doubled because I know what it means to have received.
Love your well-being more than your self-image and be willing to get help when needed. "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up" (James 4:10), let God help you. So many prayers can be answered if we’d just be willing to let pride go and accept help. Many think getting help is a sign of weakness. I think getting help is a sign of strength because you’re willing to do what’s necessary to better yourself. It always amazes me how God sends the exact people to help at the right time. Everybody needs some type of help at some point in life and that’s ok, that‘s life and it’s hard sometimes.  We weren't meant to do it all alone. God loves you and will continue to show love by meeting your need. So keep moving forward. Regardless of how God meets your needs, accept the help God sends and stay encouraged.

Latest update:  A friend of mine told me about a doctor who performs airrosti therapy.  Although skeptical, I gave it an attempt. (Let’s be realistic, if I was told I had to stand on my head while eating peanut butter for even 10% pain relief, I’d give it a shot.) This treatment is meant to mobilize the soft tissues and joints through a hands-on approach. This doctor is phenomenal.  He actually told me if I am not better after two visits that he would send me to someone else who would try and help me.  He also suggested I attend a healing service.  Say what?  Have you ever heard a doctor utter those words?  Well, this gave me some much needed reprieve.  I was able to sleep and only woke one time.  The knives have been removed.  I will keep you posted as to how my next appt goes.  I realized I felt better when I caught myself humming!

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