Monday, October 29, 2012

Aint That Lovin You, Baby

What a blessing it is to know that others are thinking of me in a time of trial and to have the assurance that God never leaves my side. It seems like when I need it most, kindness comes.

Be ye kind, one unto another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another; even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven you.  Ephesians 4:32

Just this week, some very sweet friends have encouraged me through their words and by bringing my family meals.  My devoted hubby takes off work to drive me to these unpleasant appointments and takes care of me when I get home.  He even cleaned the house.  Major brownie with chocolate chips and ice cream on the side points! 

It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you.  Do not fear or be dismayed.  Deuteronomy 31:8

This morning, I had my third and final cervical nerve root block.  I went into the appointment at a pain level of 9 and left at a 5. I woke up this morning with tears streaming down my face.  People, I am not a “crier!” The pain was radiating from the back of my neck, giving me a migraine.  When I came out of anesthesia, I was still hurting, so he gave me 5 injections on the right side of my neck. The doctor said he was surprised by the size of my latest plate in my neck and that I’d been through more than most people go through in three lifetimes.  He is the kindest doctor I’ve ever had.  His bedside manner is mind boggling.  He hugs me at each appointment and has gentle mannerisms.  He is a priest as well as a doctor.  Hence why in each room, there’s a sign saying:

Talk about assuring!  Can you imagine if every doctor’s office would practice this?  My next appointment is Monday.  It is the radio frequency ablation. I had this done on my heart in 2002, so I am quite the expert.  I am hesitantly optimistic.  It should last 6 months!  I’m praying that’s my miracle!  Some have asked how to specifically pray-this is it.  Please join me in my request. 

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