Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Are You Lonesome Tonight?

Those with chronic illness or pain go through the Grief Process.  It is necessary in order to readjust and literally start living again.  Occasionally I find myself stumbling through the grief cycle in one day! 
Here are the four stages of the grief cycle:
One: Denial (I can’t believe)
Two: Depression (I can’t handle)
Three: Anger (I don’t understand why)
Four: Acceptance (I can now see)
Support and understanding for people with chronic pain or illness is vital.  Frequently when we lose our health we lose our friends too.  We don’t look sick and people just forget we have challenges.  I often need help from others, but it is hard to ask.  It is even more difficult since we’ve moved away from family (who used to live minutes away) and friends who we considered family.  Before, when I was having a harder day than usual, I could call someone and ask them for help.  It wasn’t any easier mind you, but they are family and that’s what family members do.  Now, my hard days are even harder.  Not only am I dealing with physical aspect, but the emotional distress makes it unbearable at times.  The loneliness impacts my grief cycle on a much deeper level.  It’s like He had to strip away everything and anyone I was placing in front of my relationship with Him in order to get my attention.  I tell you, I must be a slow learner or super stubborn.  I get it now God, you can ease up!  Geesh!    
Our independence is one of the first things and one of the most difficult things to give up or adjust to.  In the world today, people are measured by what we do.  I am relearning this ideal.  It is not what we do that is important but who we are.  Most importantly, it’s not even who we are but who we trust and believe in.
If you have need encouragement please let me know.  You can be encouraged by the lives of other believers.  You never know who is watching our lives.  I feel a deep sense that I am going through these trials to encourage others to keep on going, to have hope.  I don’t think we can underestimate the effect our lives have on others, even when we feel completely useless on our journey. My prayer is that I can bring even one person encouragement and help them find endurance at the time they need it most.  The only way I am able to deal with these chronic challenges is to bring it to His feet.  

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